CDFI Coalition Celebrates 25 Years of the CDFI Fund at the 2019 Institute

The CDFI Coalition, representing the nation’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), held its 25th Annual Institute on March 13 and 14 in Washington, D.C. This year’s event drew one of audiences, with some 170 people in attendance. Members of Congress, federal agency officials, and key staff spoke and participated in panels on policy and resource […]

Coalition of Community Development Financial Institutions Releases 2019 Report

CONTACT: Ayrianne Parks,, 202-579-7445 Showcases Investing and Revitalizing Underserved Communities, Populations Nationwide Washington, DC (March 13, 2019) —The CDFI Coalition, representing the nation’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), released a new report at a gathering of lawmakers, industry leaders and stakeholders today in Washington, DC. The report showcases 67 CDFIs’ work in revitalizing rural […]

World Food Day: Highlighting CDFIs Invested in Improving Healthy Food Access

Today, October 16th, is World Food Day. The day is organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and commemorates its founding in 1945. The theme this year is #ZeroHunger, which highlights the goal to end world hunger by 2030. Zero hunger means working together to ensure everyone, everywhere, has access to the safe, healthy and […]

PathStone’s Long History Serving Puerto Rico

PathStone Corporation (PathStone) began full-time operations in Puerto Rico soon after Hurricane Georges came ashore in 1998. PathStone’s entry into Puerto Rico was a long wished for dream on the part of the Board of Directors which for many years wanted the organization to offer assistance to farmworkers on the Island. PathStone’s board had, from […]

2017 CDFI Fund Program Awards Announced

Today the CDFI Fund announced $208.7 in CDFI Fund Program Awards, including: $171.1 million in Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance to 265 organizations in 46 states and the District of Columbia; $22 million to 13 CDFIs through the Healthy Food Financing Initiative Financial Assistance awards (HFFI-FA); and $15.6 million in FY 2017 NACA Program Financial […]

Dakotas America Hosts Rural Finance Gathering

Federal community development funding, as measured as a share of GDP, has declined by 75 percent over the least 40 years. Federal policy has increasing relied on private-sector resources to fill the gap. Through the NMTC and CDFI programs, community development organizations are filling the yawning credit gap encountered in many communities, creating jobs improving […]

The President’s Budget Delivers a Devastating Blow to Economic Development

President Trump released his Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget today entitled, “America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again.” The plan, as was reported a few weeks ago, makes deep cuts or eliminates many programs serving economically distressed rural communities and urban neighborhoods.  The proposal would all but eliminate Treasury’s Community Development Financial […]