Reflections on 25 Years of CDFI Practice

Guest post by Michael Swack, Professor and Director, Center for Impact Finance, Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire. As I reflect on the CDFI field, I realize what great success this field has achieved over the past 35 years – and in the 25 years since the creation of the CDFI Fund […]
CDFI Fund: 25 Years Revitalizing Communities and Providing Access to Opportunity Where It’s Needed Most

Twenty-five years ago today, President Bill Clinton signed the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 into law, establishing the CDFI Fund. The legislation, proposed by President Clinton and championed in Congress by Senator Don Riegle (D-MI), sought to increase access to capital for small businesses, affordable housing, the availability of commercial real […]
Board Member News: Mary-Childs Mayer Joins CEI 7(a)
Mary J. Childs-Mayer, a CDFI Coalition Board Member, was recently appointed to the position of Senior Vice President of Origination and Relationship Management of CEI 7(a) Financing LLC (C7a). C7a is a wholly owned subsidiary of Coastal Enterprises, Inc. headquartered in Brunswick, ME. She brings more than 22 years of relationship experience, lending and finance […]