If you are attending the CDFI Coalition Institute, we urge you to schedule meetings with your Senators and Representatives or their staff while in town. We have reserved the afternoon on Feb. 28th (2:00 pm-5:30 pm) for Capitol Hill visits. This will be immediately followed by a reception at 5:30 pm in room G11 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Coalition staff are working to arrange meetings with the key Members of Congress, specifically those on the Appropriations Committees. If you are a constituent or have a project in the state or district of a Member of Congress on this list and would like us to schedule a meeting,  please contact Ayrianne Parks at ayrianne@rapoza.org. Please note that if you have already spoken with Coalition staff to identify meetings you would like to attend. Meeting confirmations will be sent via Outlook to registrants who have coordinated with staff.

Key Hill Meetings-Target List

PLEASE NOTE: Even if your Members of Congress are not on this list, we encourage you to schedule a meeting with their appropriations staff handling Financial Services and General Government. If you need assistance finding this member, please contact paul@rapoza.org.

Please indicate what meetings you will be scheduling here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7WPBF9Q