Each year Congress must decide how much to appropriate for the CDFI Fund. The chart below includes the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 final, FY 2024 final, and FY 2025 proposals from the White House, House of Representatives, and Senate.

Appropriations levels for the CDFI Fund are summarized in the chart below:

* allocation from GSEs
Fiscal Year Amount
Fiscal Year 1995$50 million
Fiscal Year 1996$45 million (The FY 1995 and FY 1996 amounts were awarded in the same round in 1996)
Fiscal Year 1997$50 million
Fiscal Year 1998$80 million
Fiscal Year 1999$95 million
Fiscal Year 2000$115 million ($20 million of this amount was transferred because authorizing legislation for “America’s Private Investment Companies” was not enacted.)
Fiscal Year 2001$118 million
Fiscal Year 2002$80 million
Fiscal Year 2003$75 million
Fiscal Year 2004$61 million
Fiscal Year 2005$55.5 million
Fiscal Year 2006$54.5 million
Fiscal Year 2007$54.5 million
Fiscal Year 2008$94 million
Fiscal Year 2009$107 million
* The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 appropriated an additional $100 million to the CDFI Fund for fiscal year (FY) 2009
Fiscal Year 2010$166 million
Fiscal Year 2011$227 million
Fiscal Year 2012$221 million
Fiscal Year 2013 CR$221 million
Fiscal Year 2014$226 million
Fiscal Year 2015$230.5 million
Fiscal Year 2016$233.5 million
Fiscal Year 2017$248 million
Fiscal Year 2018$250 million
Fiscal Year 2019$250 million
Fiscal Year 2020$263 million
Fiscal Year 2021$270 million
Fiscal Year 2022$295 million
Fiscal Year 2023$324 million
Fiscal Year 2024$324 million