Building dreams on the Pueblo

It took Bernard Garcia 14 years to see his dream take shape. It was not for lack of trying, but due to invisible barriers that keep him and other indigenous entrepreneurs who do business on Tribal lands from expanding.

Izakaya Gama

How RCAC helped a pop-up blossom into one of Northern California’s top destination eateries

Point Arena, Mendocino County, California

“RCAC gave us the funds to start our business off right and eventually pay it forward to our community,” Elyse Hopps said. “We are very grateful for the assistance.”

Over The Moon Indigenous Food Truck

RCAC’s Re-Emerging Loan Fund (RELieF) provided a small business loan and direct technical assistance to a struggling Indigenous food truck business; the loan was subsequently forgiven.

Blue Sky Center

RCAC catalyzes economic growth and facilitates rural development through capacity-building partnerships with community-led organizations like Blue Sky Center in New Cuyama, California.