Financial Assistance (FA) Program Summary Statistics | Additional Analysis

The CDFI Program makes equity, loan and deposit investments, as well as capital and technical assistance grants to new and existing CDFIs. The Fund requires these CDFIs to have strong management and demonstrated successes in serving distressed communities. The CDFIs must also match the Fund’s award at least one-to-one with non-Federal dollars. In FY 2002, the Intermediary component (see next page) was combined with the Core Component. In FY 2003 the name was changed to the Financial Assistance Program.

Summary Statistics

RoundDate Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) OpenedAmount Allocated for FA by Fiscal YearAmount Requested (in millions)Number of Organizations ApplyingDate Awards AnnouncedAmount Awarded (in millions)Number of Awardees**
Round 110/19/19951996$300.002688/10/1996$37.2532
Round 24/4/19971997$193.001629/01/1997$38.3048
Round 33/20/19981998$169.301319/28/1998$53.4442
Round 410/26/19981999$184.0015310/6/1999$71.4078
Round 511/1/19992000$264.2016010/3/2000$72.2075
Round 68/14/20002001$215.501539/20/2001$53.1059
Round 79/24/20012002$199.151368/5/2002$41.6051
Round 82/4/20032003$106.6013110/14/2003$22.9634
Round 92/26/20042004$124.781389/30/2004$46.6668
Round 10***11/10/200420051409/16/2005$32.8548
Round 1112/5/20052006$146.701278/25/2006$24.4752
Round 1212/21/20052007$138.001849/14/2007$25.8449
Round 138/29/20072008$200.281708/28/2008$52.1566
Round 14****8/12/20082009$52945210/2/2009$142.72121
Round 159/28/20092010$4603228/19/2010$102147
Round 16*****10/5/20102011

* In FY2003, the CDFI Fund renamed its capital grant program the Financial Assistance program. Up until FY 2003, this program had been called the Core program.
** Some CDFIs received a Financial Assistance award in more than one year.
*** Amount requested was not provided in FY2005
**** ARRA provided an additional $90million for the FA program in FY2009
***** Announcements for FY2011 Awardees are to be released early this summer by the CDFI Fund.

Additional Analysis:

Fiscal YearPercentage of Requests Funded (monetary)Percentage of Applicants Receiving AwardsAverage Award (in millions)
Round 1199612.42%11.94%$1.16
Round 2199719.84%29.63%$0.80
Round 3199831.57%32.06%$1.27
Round 4199938.80%50.98%$0.92
Round 5200027.33%46.88%$0.96
Round 6200124.64%38.56%$0.90
Round 7200220.89%37.50%$0.82
Round 8200321.54%25.95%$0.68
Round 9200437.39%49.28%$0.69
Round 10200534.29%$0.68
Round 11200616.68%40.94%$0.47
Round 12200718.72%26.63%$0.53
Round 13200826.04%38.82%$0.79
Round 14200926.98%26.77%$1.18
Round 15201022.17%45.65%$1.4
Round 162011