Treasury Guarantees $327 Million in Bond Funding for Projects in Low-Income Communities

CDFI Fund announced today that an additional nine bond loans, totaling $327 million, were guaranteed in fiscal year (FY) 2015, bringing the total guaranteed to date to $852 million. All of the bond proceeds, provided through the Community Development Financial Institutions Bond Guarantee Program (CDFI Bond Guarantee Program), will provide long-term, fixed rate capital for projects […]

CDFI Fund Announces FY 2015 CDFI Program Awards

U.S. Treasury Awards More Than $200 Million to CDFIs to Spur Economic Growth in Low-Income Urban, Rural, and Native Communities Awards through the CDFI Program and NACA Program support CDFI lending and investment nationwide September 10, 2015 Washington – The U.S. Treasury Department’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) awarded 195 Community Development Financial Institutions […]