Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and eighteen of his Senate colleagues signed a letter to the Senate Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Committee today asking that $224.9 be provided for the CDFI Fund in the Fiscal 2014 Appropriations bill.

The letter was submitted to the Appropriations Committee today with the following Senators signed on: Menendez (D-NJ); Gillibrand (D-NY); Schumer (D-NY); King (I-ME); Sanders (I-VT); Hagan (D-NC); Johnson (D-SD); Stabenow (D-MI); Wyden (D-OR); Tester (D-MT); Baucus (D-MT); Landrieu (D-LA); Franken (D-MN); Klobuchar (D-MN); Durbin (D-IL); Schatz (D-HI); Reed (D-RI); Boxer (D-CA); Merkley (D-OR).

We appreciate the calls that CDFI Coalition Members made encouraging Senators to sign the letter. If your Senator(s) signed the CDFI support letter please take a minute to thank them.

CDFI Fund Awards 10th Round of New Markets Tax Credit Allocations

On Wednesday the CDFI Fund announced the 10th round of NMTC awards totaling $3.5 billion in 2012 allocation. Eighty-five community development entities received allocations. Additional information on the awards can be found on the CDFI Fund’s website.