PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Vernon

Vernon has never considered himself a person with a disability. He is an avid cyclist, has worked in upper management for York Water Company for 21 years, and is a proud father and grandfather. When he was first diagnosed with hearing loss 15 years ago, “male vanity”—as he puts it—kept him from addressing the issue for years. In 2010 he purchased his first hearing aids, but by 2018 his…

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Tyler

Tyler is working hard to finish his undergraduate degree. As a student at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Tyler is majoring in Computer Information Systems and Technology, with a minor in Digital Graphic Design. But like many undergrads, his career goals after college aren’t directly related to his major. Tyler wants to work in student affairs on a college campus. Even now as an…

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Michael

I heard so many different noises when I drove our ten-year-old wheelchair van that I couldn’t tell if I was hearing the rattling of the ramp, the roar of the muffler, or the flapping of the running board. So it came as no surprise when my mechanic finally told me it was time to get a new vehicle for my son, Michael.

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Suria

When Suria was injured almost two years ago, her then-fiancé Kirby set to work researching ways to adapt standard consumer technology to give Suria more independence in their home. They were so successful that they launched SunKirb Ideas, a company that focuses on identifying, adapting and installing affordable products that make clients’ homes “smarter” and give them back their independence. We…

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Maci

When Maci’s mom told us that Maci has a presence about her, she wasn’t kidding. Maci enters Hershey Medical Center for a routine visit and nurses she’s never worked with before light up and call out, “Hi Maci!” She’s a social butterfly, and not moments after you’ve entered her home will she grab your hand and, grinning, pull you to her room to introduce you to Phil, her guinea pig.…

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Linzey

At 31 years of age, Linzey is living a full life! In 2009, she founded a service dog training organization, Phoenix Assistance Dogs of Central PA (PAD). Linzey is PAD’s Director, and lives with 17 dogs, several of them in her training program. She also manages the training and care of another 11 dogs that live with volunteers and owner-trainers. Additionally, Linzey teaches pet dog training group…

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Money Club

Funded by a grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council, this program invited 17 young adults with a range of disabilities and varying levels of financial knowledge to come together to learn “how to manage your money so your money doesn’t manage you”.

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Linda

When Linda called PATF for help, she wasn’t sure what she wanted, but she knew she needed something. She worried about falling while navigating the bumpy streets of Philadelphia, and she wanted to know what she could do to prevent unwelcome flooding from her bathroom sink. After washing her hands she would forget to turn off the faucet, and water from the flooded sink had ruined her flooring…

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: Joy and Jill

Joy and Jill have been playing music and making a difference in their community all their lives. Born and raised in Jeannette, PA, the twins reside in the same house where they grew up, a house that was often filled with the music their father loved and played on his accordion. He was an accomplished musician, and the girls followed suit, graduating from Seton Hill University, each with a degree…

PA Assistive Tech Foundation Story: George

George has a bright and cheerful presence, when he laughs you can’t help but laugh, too. Unusually open about his life and experiences, he’s the type of person you’re instantly comfortable with. George was born with cerebral palsy. Over the course of his life he has had a front-row seat to the development of many types of assistive technology, but his…